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Engagement Tags
Group Discussion
Group Discussion
Hands-On Showcase
Hands-On Showcase
Lightning Session
Lightning Session
Preconference Intensive
Preconference Intensive
Solution Lab
Solution Lab

The ASTC Annual Conference is one of the premier annual events for science-engagement professionals and leaders in science and technology centers and museums as well as allied organizations across North America and around the world.

This website is for attendees to view the program, create their schedule and connect with peers.

About the ASTC 2024 Conference Program

The ASTC 2024 conference program utilizes both session tracks and engagement tags to assist individuals in navigating the online conference program.

Session tracks are content-based categories indicating the broader subject matters or topics to be covered in the session.

Session Track Description
Audience, Diversity, and Inclusion Topics related to engaging both broad and specific audiences, increasing access, and ensuring inclusive environments for diverse audiences.
Community and Partnerships Informal and formal collaborations, community relationships, and external partnerships.
Education and Events Theory, practice, and design of public programs, educational experiences, and events.
Facility and Exhibit Design Topics related to the design, fabrication, construction, and renovation of exhibits, learning spaces, and building facilities.
Leadership and Direction Topics of interest to Chief Executives and senior leadership, such as leadership practices, organizational strategy, and advocacy.
Operations and Development Business and financial operations such as fundraising, marketing, membership, and administration.
Organizational Culture and Workforce Topics related to staff development, volunteer engagement, human resources, and internal practices.
Trends and Innovation Research and evaluation, current trends, and field-wide innovation.

Engagement tags are format-based categories that indicate how the session content will be distributed, as well as the type and level of engagement attendees can expect during the session.

Engagement Tag Description
Experiential Hands-on experience where attendees actively participate in an activity or practical skill share.
Group Discussion Moderated discussion where attendees are full participants.
Hands-On Showcase 15-minute hands-on activity, demonstration, or other participatory content.
Lightning Session Grouped short talks or discussions based on a subject matter or topic.
Panel Moderated discussion between presenters.
Poster Formal sharing of a program, research, or ideas, with opportunity for one-on-one or small group discussion.
Preconference Intensive Participatory and highly-interactive workshops on a single topic, including a diverse collection of presenters and facilitators. (Registration Required)
Solution Lab Facilitated working session where attendees work together toward a goal (e.g., develop resources, ideas, or solutions).

Full Schedule